• B.E. 0060 – First Contact – Human and Trakoran communication commences after several years of near-misses
  • B.E. 0057 – Second Contact – Akeloans offer peaceful overtures to both Human and Trakoran homeworlds
  • B.E. 0055 – Neutrality Treaty – Planning for the first exploratory contact mission, all three races agree to a strict code of cooperative neutrality
  • B.E. 0053 – Ylendrian Landfall Mission – Combining the technological advances of the three races, subspace wormhole travel is achieved.  Choosing a planet deemed uninhabited and hospitable to all three races, the first ships are sent to a designated rallying point.
  • B.E. 0053 – Ylendrian Landfall – Humans, Akeloans, and Trakorans meet  face-to-face for the first time since contact was established eight years prior.  Despite difficulties adapting the subspace technology and physiological requirements, emissaries from the three races pledge to further explore and expand their known universe.
  • B.E. 0050 – Ylendria Rising – Ylendria, the planet of first meetings, is officially colonized by all three races.  Terraforming begins, and the first five year research missions are deployed, seeking allies and planets for further colonization.
  • B.E. 0023 – Imperial Genetics Begin – The first Human-Akeloan hybrid, Meloy Parth, is born to a Human mother and a stunned Akeloan father.
  • B.E. 0003 – Triumvir – Meloy Parth is adopted as a member of the Trakoran royal family, becoming Meloy Parth Wrintu, (Mel’Par’Wrin to the Trakorans)
  • A.E. 0000 – Imperial Founding – Expanding from their original colony on Ylendria, the three races join under the leadership of the first Empress, Meloy Parth Wrintu, and claim their fifteen colonies as Imperial planets
  • A.E. 01 – A.E. 150 – Exploration, expansion, and terraforming continue
  • A.E. 263 – A.E. 265 – Telpok War – Meeting resistance from another race as they attempt to colonize a new solar system, the Ylendrian Empire undertakes its first war
  • A.E. 266 – Telpok Treaty – The Telpok traders agree to a shared trade route and a limited set of shared colonies, with the goal of eventual acceptance as Ylendrian citizens
  • A.E. 500 – Imperial Genetics Refined – In an effort to better represent the Ylendrian Triumvir, the Empire officially commissions a genetics research laboratory with the goal of manipulations allowing Trakoran genetic material to meld with the existing Human and Akeloan in the Imperial line
  • A.E. 578 – Genetic Triumvir – The Imperial line, for the first time since its inception, reflects the genetic heritage of the three founding races
  • A.E. 1034 – Novik Massacre – Terraforming on the Telpok colony of Novik goes awry, and all citizens on the colony are found dead when an Imperial vessel responds to the distress call less than two Imperial cycles after it’s made.  Imperial terraforming on all potential colonies is suspended.
  • A.E. 1036 – Dranderion Massacre – In a chilling recreation of the Novik Massacre, all citizens of Dranderion, a long-established colony near Novik, are found dead within hours of the first distress call being sent
  • A.E. 1037 – Imperial Enforcement Coalition – Seeing the need for an agency able to investigate interplanetary crimes, the current Emperor establishes the Imperial Enforcement Coalition, giving them conditional jurisdiction within the entirety of the Empire and all Imperial colonies
  • A.E. 1040 –