Archive for the ‘The Slipstream Con’ Category

Ylendrian News and Reviews

It’s been awhile since we gave you an update on the happenings in the Empire, so here we go.


Works In Progress

  • Peripheral People, the third installment in the Ylendrian Empire series, is going through a good news/bad news phase.  The good news is, it’s about 70% complete.  The bad news is, after much discussion, it was decided that some pretty intensive re-writes were needed, and those are going to push the end of the book off for probably an extra 2 months.  That’s a pretty generous estimate, and we may surprise ourselves and finish it sooner, but as of right now, we are aiming to turn the manuscript in to our editor by the end of September.
  • Slipstream Con-inspired short stories.  We’re currently in the planning and plotting stages of a series of short stories about the characters in our latest novel, The Slipstream Con.  The stories will be prequels to the book, focused on the three main characters.  Find out how Kellen Frey learned to con, how Vanya Reyes saved the Ylendrian Empire (before she’d had her coffee!), and why Tal Serafine realized that maybe a military career wasn’t the best long-term goal.



Romance Junkies does an author feature on Michelle and Reesa, and gives The Slipstream Con 4/5 Blue Ribbons.
If you regularly review books, and are interested in a review copy of any of the Ylendrian Empire stories, please contact us: ylendrianempire (at) gmail (dot) com


Outside the Empire